Taking candy from a baby

I propose that we revise the meaning of the adage “like taking candy from a baby”. It has heretofore meant that an action is physically easy, and while that is certainly true, I think the elephant in the room that has been overlooked is that a baby had candy to begin with. First off, candy is a major choking hazard, secondly, there is no reason to have that much sugar in the diet of an infant, and third, if the baby has teeth, I doubt their oral hygiene regimen is adequate for that onslaught of bacteria. We should be taking candy from babies. It is a moral imperative. I therefore suggest that from now on, the phrase “like taking candy from a baby” is repurposed to mean doing the obvious moral good. In use, it would sound something like this: “Of course I swam out into that icy water to save the drowning dog from the rapids. Yes is was dangerous and difficult but it was like taking candy from a baby and I would do it again in a heartbeat if I had to.”

Bert AndersonComment